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How Depression Affects Weight Fluctuation

If you've ever been unreasonably sad, or know someone who has, you may have noticed an increase or decrease in an appetite. Did you know that emotion and appetite are controlled by the same part of the brain? That's why depression causes people to eat more, or eat less. Unfortunately, weight fluctuation and emotional issues go hand in hand. Individuals who suffer from weight gain may start to feel symptoms of depression. Even if they weren't depressed before the weight gain. Individuals who were already depressed may start to gain weight. This could be a side effect of a medication, since many medications that treat depression cause weight gain. But it can also just be part of the vicious cycle that is depression. It can go either way, because they are so closely tied to one another.

How Depression Affects Weight
There's no way of knowing if being depressed will cause weight gain, or weight loss. It all depends on the person. Different people experience depression in different ways, emotionally and physically. There are no set ways to predict which form of weight fluctuation will occur. In fact, the same person can experienced both weight gain and weight loss during different bouts of their depression cycles. But it can often be related to biology, and their personal way of coping with stressful situations. Those who suffer from certain types of depression tend to by lethargic, and therefore put on weight. Those who suffer from other types can become overly anxious and trigger an increase in their metabolism, therefore losing weight. It's not common for the weight loss to be an issue. Many people bounce back, and it hardly becomes a threat to their lives. Unfortunately the same can't be said for gaining weight. It can become all consuming, and quickly escalates to a health concern. Eating disorders are also an important factor to consider. They are usually tied to depression as well.

Obviously, these types of disorders can cause drastic changes in weight as well. While it may feel hopeless, there are ways to manage both depression and weight fluctuation. It's important that both depression and weight issues are tackled at the same time. By understanding the cause and effect, a person can learn to gain control. If you suffer from depression, or weight loss/gain, it's important that you take action to make a positive change in your life. The most important change to make is in your daily activities. It's important to be active every day. This increases the blood flow, the heart rate, and can actually life your mood. Exercise is good for the body, and the mind. This can also help you with any weight gain concerns. By staying active, you're staying healthy. You should also evaluate the type of food that you're eating regularly. There are certain foods that help those experiencing depression, and foods to help you stay fit. You want to avoid junk that will only contribute to the problem. Unlike the bad habit of smoking where you can just quit, you can't just stop eating. So you have to make sure you're eating right. Eating right and exercise are the two most common suggestions for weight issues, and there's a good reason for that. They are, combined, the best thing you can do for your body, your mind, and yourself. If you want to read more tips on how to loss weight, and live healthy go to my website, []. Article Source: Article Source: