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How to Make Sure that you are following Google SEO Guidelines ?

How to Make Sure that you are following Google SEO Guidelines ?

If you want to rank higher in search engines to get maximum traffic then google search engine optimization guidelines cannot be ignored in any way, you should take care off following factors in order to get maximum out of your webpage

Factors on Which Google Search Engine Optimization Depends (Google SEO Guidelines) :

Use robots.txt
Avoid cloaking.
Create useful pages.
Block useless pages.
Give users a sitemap.
Avoid doorway pages.
Use Titles and alt tags.
Do not use hidden text.
Avoid copy pasted content.
Avoid Auto generated pages.
Use Clear hierarchy & text links.
Avoid Session IDs or any tracking.
Do not use infected adware to pages.
Do not over use keyword on webpage.
Avoid Spammy search engine snippet.
Do not deceive your visitors in any way.
Use Support if modified since http header.
Use moderate amount of links on a webpage.
Don’t try to trick Google do not use shortcuts.
Submit your site to google using xml sitemap.
Avoid question mark over the google search input.
Do not use any kind of shortcuts like blackhat tricks.
Do not ever make googlebot confused by blockling it.
Affiliates should be useful to rank well in Google results.
Create pages primarily for users use not for search engines.
Do use Broken links and correct HTML if there is any problem
Block useless pages of your website can really boost your rankings.
Paid Links & ads should not pass pagerank otherwise you’ll get penalized.
Use reliable web hosting service because page loading speed is also an important factor of seo.

Very cpa networks

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