We are all aware of the fact that knowing how to remove belly fat can be a tough task for anyone to do. Belly fat is actually one of the hardest ones to lose on the human body. So, in this article, we’re going to present you an “emergency diet” that is going to show you how to remove belly fat in an extremely useful way! This is a diet that is widely used when people are short on time. It will show you how to get rid of the extra kilos and how to remove the belly fat in only one night! This diet is amazing, because it does not only flatten your belly and eliminate the extra kilos, but it also burns calories! This diet will also help you detoxify and purify your body in only 24 hours! This diet is entirely based on juices, smoothies, and teas. These are drinks that will help you cleanse your body a lot quicker and easier and help you learn how to remove belly fat in an easy and fun way! Here is the routine you should follow: At 8 am: Take a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice. At 10 am: Take a drink of water with orange or apple juice. At 12 noon: Take a cup of green tea. At one p.m.: Take a glass of cold water with carrot juice. At 3 p.m.: Grab a cup of tea you like. At 5 p.m.: Take a glass of natural juice you like. At 7 p.m.: Take another cup of green tea. At 9 p.m.: Take a glass of water with grapefruit juice. At 10 p.m.: Finish your day the same way you started it. Drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice. Note: Do not add any artificial sweetener or extra ingredient into your teas and juices! You should definitely try this diet because in only 24 hours your will have a flat stomach. You will also completely clean your whole body from all the toxins, you will feel full of energy and much happier, and the best thing is that you will learn how to remove belly fat so that you can use this diet whenever you want!