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Some Pro Painting Contest Tips

By Richard Roberts

The types of people who would call themselves painters varies as widely as the art itself. There are some who like to paint quietly at home, maybe with a glass of wine and some light music, and many people who do it primarily for the relaxing effect it has on them and the therapeutic effects on their body. Others enjoy finding a good painting contest to enter their work in.

Entering in contests is a great way for an artist to build up his or her skill level. It can be very intimidating to not only paint something very personally revealing but then to show it to the public and subject it to their opinions. Starting out by entering pieces into these types of events not only builds confidence but provides opportunities to hear constructive criticism from adjudicators.

One of the hardest things for some new artists to do is to select the right piece of artwork for a contest. Many of these less experienced painters are not yet familiar with the massive quantity of artists and submissions that come with almost every competition. To win, the entrant must pick something that will stand out from the rest and not be overlooked because the judge just saw five others just like it.

There are some types of artists who can do it all, while others need to stick to what they're good at. It's important for an artist to find a competition that suits his or her abilities. That way, the artist can play to his or her strengths.

Nowadays there are plenty of resources available to find out exactly where these types of events are happening and when. Since they take place all around the world, the Internet is a great tool to find plenty of resources. There are a number of networks that help promote competitions and get the information out to people.

Some contests are free to enter, making it much more beginner-friendly and casual. These are helpful to invite first-timers to try out the competition because there is nothing to lose. People who are looking to get serious about their paintings and competing are probably looking for a cash prize, and those contests usually require the entrant to pay a fee.

Plenty of people are too nervous to subject their precious art to a competition because they are worried that something unexpected will happen to it somewhere along the way. This is especially a risk for pieces that are shipped long distances. Sometimes it is a good idea to look into how much it costs to insure the piece because that can take a lot of weight off the artist's mind.

No one is better informed on how to get the attention of the judges (besides perhaps the judges themselves) than the previous winners of art competitions. Some of these past winners have posted their advice online as to how to enter a piece that stands out. It is helpful to look up who has won the contest in the past and see what their piece looked like.

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