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Things Which Distinguishes Tempe United Church Of Christ

By Raymond Patterson

There are a lot of factors which distinguishes the temple. These features are developed from their daily operations and what they believe in. The rules and regulations of a temple are what acts as standing characteristics for every church. The congregation which goes into the chapel is what the name refers to rather than the building. The below article illustrates some of those things which distinguish Tempe united church of Christ.

The Kingdom of God. There is a belief of life after death. Just as Jesus resurrected after death, the believers to believe in resurrection after death so that they inherit eternal life. That is why they do good to please the creator. The congregation is dedicated to following the footsteps of Jesus and doing all that the word says because of this belief. This is the main thing that leads all their daily operations.

Believe in Jesus. The temple believes that Jesus was the son of God who he offered as a living sacrifice. He was bitten and crucified. He poured his blood and died on the cross for the sake of human sin. This blood is believed as the power of sin cleansing. Believers, therefore, pray to be cleansed their sins through this blood. It is also the belief in Jesus doings that inheritance of everlasting life after death is guaranteed.

Follow the Bible. This book contains all the guidelines of the life of a believer. All that is contained there is meant to guide one into eternal life. It mainly has those actions which were there before and after the birth of Jesus. They were followed by Israelites and are also to be followed by the believers in the temple. It dictates all what guides the life of a believer, what to and what not to do.

Spread the word of God. Their main aim is to spread the gospel to those who know it and those who are not aware of it. They, therefore, carry a lot of meetings which they lead the people into worship and sin confession so that they can win them to accepting Jesus as their savior. This way these people become saved and lead a pleasing life to inherit eternal life after death.

Extend a helping hand to those who are needy in the society. Jesus fed a lot of people, healed the sick and also helped the needy. As followers to this, therefore, believers commit themselves to helping the less fortunate in the society. This is through sharing their properties with them such as food, clothing, shelter and above all the good news. This way, they please their God and hence are guaranteed to enter the kingdom.

Disciples in nature. The purpose of past disciplines was to do as the Bible commanded them to do and what Jesus himself did. The believers today, therefore, aim at following that by doing what the former disciples did. Such actions are like winning more souls to God.

Sunday is their holy day. Sunday is dedicated as a resting and worship day. It is a day when the creator finished the creation by creating man in his image and then took rest. These followers too dedicate it for church going and rest.

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