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Changing Role Of Industrial Ventilation Ohio

By Debra Hall

For most people industrial air con is simply those big metal air conditioners that sit on top of or outside businesses and schools. Most of us give little thought to them and don't realize how they benefit us and how their roles have changed over the years. The fact is that industrial ventilation Ohio serve a couple of very important purposes.

The word ventilation means the movement of air from the outside of a structure or building to the inside, and there are many different types products available to handle this, from fume extraction systems to more specialized applications such as welding fume removal.

What are the harmful effects of dust at a site or facility? Numerous studies have proven that particulate matter, fumes, and dust are a hazard to the operations at an industry facility. There are hundreds of different types of compositions of dust that can pose a very serious health hazard.

These risks, if not handled in the prescribed manner, can lead to a major accident at a manufacturing facility. For instance, saw dust or fabric lint can combust in a matter of seconds. In such an environment, even the smallest open flame could cause a large accident. Overall, it wouldn't be wrong to say that the presence of a higher-than-prescribed amount of dust in the atmosphere is detrimental to both people and processes.

Protecting the Health of All That Enter- However, in time newer buildings became more air tight and cut off the ventilation built into older buildings, and there was raised awareness of how paints, building materials, manufacturing materials and other things could make people sick and seriously affect the health of everyone who used them. As a result, air cons began to take on a new role: that of providing benefits not just for the health of the equipment but for people as well.

With any of these kinds of units, the fan is one of the most important. They should be the appropriate type as well as size in order to make everything work effectively, and should also provide sufficient air pressure difference to be able to carry everything efficiently. There are two main types, centrifugal and axial, and both are very effective with rugged blades.

If your existing unit seems not to be functioning properly, there are a few simple checks that can be made without having expert help. These may include such things as checking for fan belts which are broken or are slipping, ducts that may be clogged with dust, dampers in the duct work which may have closed up, holes or cracks in the ducting as well as air cleaners that may have become clogged up.

Some jobs where a portable unit may be used are industries where building or painting is done at a variety of sites. They are also often used in shipbuilding yards. Industrial air conditioners are not simply oversize versions. They protect both the equipment used in many industries and, more importantly, they protect your health when you enter a variety of different public buildings.

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