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The Things You Should Know About Gardening MA

By Andrew Russell

For all of you interested in planting your own garden, here are some essential tips for beginning. Of course, you will find several great sites with expert advises about gardening MA, the plants that will grow best in your climate zone and are best suited for the soil quality in your area. But, if you are new in gardening, this might help you start.

So, you should start with finding the best position for your future garden. It shouldn't be in a shade, because your plants will require at least eight hours of sun a day to grow successfully. Place it near to the water source, it will make your life easier. Imagine fifty yards long garden hose and you will understand why.

The quality of the soil is an extremely important factor. Sandy soil does not contain enough nutrients and does not retain moisture. Such soil should be enriched by the addition of compost, mulch and good quality garden mixtures. If you are not sure, it would be best to seek advice from experienced gardeners, or from gardening experts in your area.

So, the perfect soil has to be crumble enough, to allow roots development, it has to retain moisture and has to contain adequate amounts of oxygen. There are several very good compost mixtures and some other amendments that can be added to improve the overall quality. The good drainage is also quite important.

When starting a garden, the first step is to turn the top layer of the soil with a rotary tiller. This top layer should be at least nine inches thick. Clean the area and remove larger rocks, branches and similar things. After that, you should spread a layer of compost on, approximately three inches thick. After that, you should till the plot once again. Sprinkle this layer with water and leave it to rest for a few days.

There are so many plants you can choose. As a beginner, you might consider choosing those that will grow best in your area of living. Maybe you should ask experienced gardeners for their advice about it. The same thing is with fertilizers. By choosing good quality organic fertilizers, you will make a great difference. Some plants require different soil composition than others, and if you want to, you can even divide your plot to areas with different soil qualities.

So, when you are done with planting, it's time to think about feeding these plants. After one month or so, they will need more food, and you will need to fertilize them again. Make them a compost tea by mixing compost with water. This solution is great for boosting the plant growth.

When the season comes to an end, you should start thinking about the next one. Planting different plants such as clover or peas in fall will be really good preparation for it. Such plants will significantly improve the level of nitrogen in the soil, among other things. In spring, simply cut these plants and till them in. Spread on the compost and till everything once more. Add water and your new gardening season can start.

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